Thursday 22 March 2012

First forays

This is my first post on my new blog. I have created it to go with my new studio space and to publicise myself. I am beginning to make art again after a long absence, I felt quite stunted for a while and am trying to reinvigorate myself.

Here is my mini artist statement for your delectation:

My work explores feminine sensuality and the strength of the female form. I incorporate my study of womens spirituality, from various cultures and ages into my work and am heavily influenced by ancient Goddess sculptures and imagery. I use a variety of rich colours, textures and materials to invoke feelings within the viewer which connect them to our collective roots.

From top to bottom:
1. Venus Stretching
2.Venus Lounging
3. Venus Hiding
4. My first foray into what I am calling my 'paper patchworks'. This is a work in progress. Firstly its a collage and then it will be drawn/painted on.Wish me luck!

The first 3 images will be shown at Atrium Studio's first Annual Exhibition, which runs between the 2nd and 18th of April 2012. At the Waterfront Building of UCS in Ipswich, Suffolk.

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