Saturday 2 June 2012


I havent been totally idle and have made some little drawings. Here is a few I like and would like to develop further. Hopefully make them into some lino prints. That would be super cool, and to that end I have ordered some lino blocks so I can start carving.

Mushroom Family. I havent inked it yet, but so far I am enjoying it a lot. They look like little ladies wearing lovely sun hats.

Ceridwen: I saw some statues of this Goddess and I really wanted to draw a really round sensual version of her. She sits with her cauldron and the animals she can transform into. In case my drawing isnt clear, there is an otter, a hawk, a greyhound and a hen.

Ganesh: I dont often draw Gods, but Ganesh is so gorgeous I have to draw him every so often.

Bear: This is a super quick sketch. I have been a bit obsessed with Zuni Bears of late and wanted to make some more shamanic images.

Bike Goddess 1 & 2: Its the Bicycle Ball in Ipswich this month and I am trying to make some images to use in pieces of work to show in the exhibition space. Here are 2 of my drawings so far.

Lady Snail: A middle class Snail enjoying her cup of tea.

Peas in a Pod: I just like peas.

Zuni Bison Woman: again my fascination with Native American shamanism creates a rather odd drawing.

Just an odd bird lady and a snail.

I am quite enjoying the weird stuff thats coming out of my head at the moment. Its different to what I usually do and is entertaining me. I would appreciate constructive opinions though.

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