Sunday 24 March 2013

Beautiful Ink

Rob bought me some beautiful chinese ink from our local chinese shop Ming Ming's and I have made some cool drawings with it. Inspired by its pitch blackness and smooth coverage. It was really cheap considering how awesome it it.

Im really inspired by shamanic folk art, ancient depictions of human beings and anthropomorphic images of animals. I bought a pair of crazy earrings from a charity shop a couple of weeks ago which were tiny Peruvian (I'm guessing from the style) leather painted discs with highly decorated faces on them. I guess I should have taken a photo of them so I then I wouldnt need to explain...Anyway, they really inspired me to draw the faces on my last post. Here I have expanded on them a little.

Shaman Spirits: This one is bigger than what I usually do at 30x30cms. Its also painted on wood, the base is acrylic and the image itself is painted in that fab ink.

Mini Shaman Faces; painted with acrylic on a mini 10x10cm linen canvas.

Ink Goddess; She is odd. Im not sure where I am going with her, but I like her style.

Ink Shaman: Small drawing, similar to the painting but more flowing.

More shaman faces.

Mini painted shaman faces; on another 10x10cm linen canvas. Painted with acrylic and that fab ink.

Ink Spirits; while doodling with leftover ink I came up with these little guys. I like 'em. They are the spirits of left-over ink, ink blots and the bits of ink that splatter of your skin.

Another owl. I know, Im a broken record. But I like them 

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