Monday 18 March 2013

Handmade and Timeless

This weekend I sat with my very talented friend Bethan Myfanwy Jones while she ran her stall at the Handmade and Timeless fair in Ipswich Town Hall.

I was really inspired by a lot of the work there and had a really lovely little chat with Elizabeth Pawle, who is an awesome artist-maker. I bought a really cute bear brooch from her, it looks great on my new cardigan. I also bought a couple of postcards from Truly Boo of beautifully draw ladies. I also had a brief chat with Mister Millerchip and was a bit of a fan-girl at him. Poor love.

 Anyway, anyway, I was really inspired so I came home and did some drawing. I really think my little doodle images are much better than the work I make when Im really concentrating and thinking about 'concepts'. Maybe I am just an intuitive maker. Maybe thats what works for me.

I really enjoy these images and want to sell the originals and make prints/postcards/objects with the images.


Mooli Spirit

Radish Spirit


Faces of the Shaman

Spirit faces (they make me think of tree spirits)

Sunshine spirit (probably drawn in the desperate hope we might get some sun soon!)

Twit Twoo to You (I just like owls)

Twit Twoo

Hoot - played with in photoshop to make an image suitable for a card/postcard

Radish Spirit - again, played with in photoshop to create an image that could be used as a card/postcard, or print for a bag?

Mooli Spirit - He is an odd one, but I got rid of the little drawing next to him and made him black and white. I think it looks good.

Twit twoo - Again, nice postcard image.

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