Thursday 7 June 2012

Bicycle Ball Artwork Progress

Yay! I have actually made a decision about what to make for the Bicycle Ball ( And, even more exciting, I have actually started making the damn thing. More yay!! The picture above is of the felt pieces I have cut out ready to make a Bicycle Goddess Banner.
     The story behind the ball is that the world has ended and the country has divided up into tribes, the Ipswich one is a bike worshipping tribe. So, a tribe like that might need a figurehead. And here she is. I based my image on ancient Goddess imagery and bicycle cogs/machinery. I liked her being cut out of black fabric 'cause it reminds me of bike inner tubing.
      I havent decided which pieces in my piles of fabric I am going to back it with. But I want to end up adding actual cogs and some cool fringing to it so it looks sumptuous. Hope it turns out as pretty as it is in my head.



  1. That's really lovely. Do you have any fabric with a rusty or metallic feel to it? That might work nicely with the bicycle theme.

  2. Thankyou!
    Thats a really great idea. I will have to scour everyones fabric collections. I want it to have lots of reds and golds, so a rusty colour would be ace. Thanks Sarah!

  3. She's awesome! Well done my lovely friend. RE: the comment above, if I have some of that Bronze striped fabric we brought, you can use that. Also, I've got lots of cogs etc I collected from the bike doctor so come rummage! Brilliant! Oh and have you told F. you can help? xx

  4. Hurrah, thanks sweetie. I have emailed F. to say I can help. So hopefully she has read it. I would love to come over and rummage. Fank yew. xx
